
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 deploy

Hello there. I work at an organization that is looking to deploy Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 to users on Windows 7 and XP (both 32 and 64 bit). My question is, where do I even begin to package this program? I've done many successful deploys for other applications, but this one looks tough. Has anyone done this successfully? Any tips? I appreciate your feedback in advance.


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Answers (6)

Posted by: Stefan Zimmer 10 years ago
White Belt
I deployed Nav 2009 R2 by AutoIT Script.

ShellExecuteWait('msiexec.exe','/qb /i "' & @ScriptDir & '\Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic.msi"')

The default installation deploys the Demo Database and the backup of the demo Database too.
I replaced these files in the setup source with empty Textfiles (renamed to Database.fdb and Database.fbk)

NAV Hotfixes are normally deployed by copy the hotfix files into the program directory.
px (hotfix is stored with installation path ...scriptdir\hotfix\*.*):
Dim $FSO = ObjCreate('scripting.filesystemObject')
$FSO.CopyFolder(@ScriptDir & '\Hotfix\Classic',@ProgramFilesDir & '\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\Classic',true)

There are two ways to deploy NAV on common desktop and programms 
  • by link (*.lnk) px.: 
    FileCreateShortcut(@programFilesDir & '\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\Classic\finsql.exe',@ProgramsCommonDir & '\Navision 2009.lnk',@programFilesDir & '\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\Classic')
  • by Hyperlink (*.url) px.:
    Create URL-File manually and store it in your script directory.
    Add your servername, database and company in the ... placeholder.
    IF needed use %20 for space, don't "quote" the String!
    NTAuthentication=1 for use singlesignon
    NTAuthentication=0 for separate sql user and password.
    Copy the manually created url file from your @scriptdir to @ProgramsCommonDir and @CommonDesktop
    Note: The first Doubleclick on the URL file the user will be asked to trust this connection. 
    If a NAV instance is already opend, the url file calls the first instance and doesn't open a second instance,
    This can save licence cost ;), But URL's only work with the classic client no RTC.
Posted by: elsaxo 12 years ago
Yellow Belt
Dear K,

Did you mange with this ??
I'm in my way to deploy it also , could you provide me with any details about that ?
Thanks in advance !!!!
Posted by: pjgeutjens 12 years ago
Red Belt
Have a look here for silent install instructions.
As you can read in this post, you can either use silent install parameters for setup.exe, or install the MSIs directly, as long as you take care of the necessary prerequisites.

Posted by: elsaxo 12 years ago
Yellow Belt
Do you have experience in how to deploy it by SCCM ???
Any help like howto step by step its really wellcome !!!
thanks in advance !!!
Posted by: pjgeutjens 12 years ago
Red Belt
Do you have experience in how to deploy it by SCCM ???

Pretty straightforward...

- Create the silent setup
- Create a package in SCCM and link it to the datasource location containing the silent setup files, assign and distribute to distribution points.
- Create a program in the package for install and uninstall calling the command lines you worked out in step 1
- Create a collection in SCCM to contain the target machines
- Create an advertisement in SCCM to schedule the rollout, link it to the package/program and the collection you made.

Nothing abnormal there I'd say. If you need more detailed info you can always contact me for a quote [;)]

Posted by: elsaxo 12 years ago
Yellow Belt
Thansk for your help !!!

I have done all task that you sugested , but I see that at client side I'm not getting content on the cache folder, the fodler for the program its created on the cache but its empty, here same log so you can check :

Policy is updated for Program: Navision 2.1, Package: EUR00062, Advert: EUR2009B execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 2912 (0x0B60)
Content version for program Navision 2.1 package EUR00062 has been changed to 2 execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 2912 (0x0B60)
Cancel content request for program Navision 2.1 package EUR00062 as content version has changed. execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 2912 (0x0B60)
Requesting content from CAS for package EUR00062 version 2 execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 2912 (0x0B60)
CExecutionManager::HandleMessage received message: '<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<SoftwareDeploymentMessage MessageType='Activation'>
<ProgramID>Navision 2.1</ProgramID>
execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 3592 (0x0E08)
OnPolicyActivation package EUR00062 program Navision 2.1 execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 3592 (0x0E08)
Successfully created a content request handle {27393E9B-1119-4477-9A6B-9A8A5A0C9DB3} for the package EUR00062 version 2 execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 2912 (0x0B60)
Execution Request for package EUR00062 program Navision 2.1 state change from WaitingContent to WaitingContent execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 2912 (0x0B60)
Persisting request for program Navision 2.1 package EUR00062 in state WaitingContent execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 2912 (0x0B60)
In CExecutionManager::Notify execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 2912 (0x0B60)
Received creation notification for user 'S-1-5-18'. execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 2912 (0x0B60)
Policy arrived for parent package EUR00062 program Navision 2.1 execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 2912 (0x0B60)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(850), SMS_LocaleID(2057)]
instance of SoftDistProgramOfferReceivedEvent
AdvertisementId = "EUR2009C";
ClientID = "GUID:11A4F77C-8B1E-4222-B0EF-A87933899D49";
DateTime = "20120126160513.436000+000";
MachineName = "TPDTEST";
ProcessID = 540;
SiteCode = "EUR";
ThreadID = 2912;
execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 2912 (0x0B60)
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-606747145-1957994488-839522115-20112,2). execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 3592 (0x0E08)
ContentAvailable ignoring update with no DPs for content request ID {27393E9B-1119-4477-9A6B-9A8A5A0C9DB3} execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 3012 (0x0BC4)
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-606747145-1957994488-839522115-20112,2). execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 3592 (0x0E08)
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-606747145-1957994488-839522115-20112,2). execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 3592 (0x0E08)
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-606747145-1957994488-839522115-20112,2). execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 3592 (0x0E08)
CUIEventGenerator::ClearNewProgramAvailable entered execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 3592 (0x0E08)
CUIEventGenerator::ClearNewProgramAvailable succeeded execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 3592 (0x0E08)
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-606747145-1957994488-839522115-20112,2). execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 3592 (0x0E08)
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-606747145-1957994488-839522115-20112,2). execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 3592 (0x0E08)
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-606747145-1957994488-839522115-20112,2). execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 3592 (0x0E08)
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-606747145-1957994488-839522115-20112,2). execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 3592 (0x0E08)
CUIEventGenerator::ClearNewProgramAvailable entered execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 3592 (0x0E08)
CUIEventGenerator::ClearNewProgramAvailable succeeded execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:13 3592 (0x0E08)
Requesting content from CAS for package EUR00062 version 2 execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:14 3592 (0x0E08)
Successfully created a content request handle {CB9FB677-8D58-44FE-A2B6-2AB50D540980} for the package EUR00062 version 2 execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:14 3592 (0x0E08)
Program Navision 2.1 change to state STATE_ADVANCED_DOWNLOAD content in progress execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:14 3592 (0x0E08)
Execution Request for package EUR00062 program Navision 2.1 state change from NotExist to AdvancedDownload execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:14 3592 (0x0E08)
Persisting request for program Navision 2.1 package EUR00062 in state AdvancedDownload execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:14 3592 (0x0E08)
CExecutionManager::HandleMessage received message: '<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<SoftwareDeploymentMessage MessageType='Execution'>
<ProgramID>Navision 2.1</ProgramID>
execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:14 3592 (0x0E08)
Execution message received for user Machine execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:14 3592 (0x0E08)
Mandatory execution requested for program Navision 2.1 and advertisement EUR2009C execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:14 3592 (0x0E08)
Creating mandatory request for advert EUR2009C, program Navision 2.1, package EUR00062 execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:14 3592 (0x0E08)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(850), SMS_LocaleID(2057)]
instance of SoftDistWaitingContentEvent
AdvertisementId = "EUR2009C";
ClientID = "GUID:11A4F77C-8B1E-4222-B0EF-A87933899D49";
DateTime = "20120126160514.265000+000";
MachineName = "TPDTEST";
PackageName = "EUR00062";
PackageVersion = "2";
ProcessID = 540;
ProgramName = "Navision 2.1";
SiteCode = "EUR";
ThreadID = 3592;
execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:14 3592 (0x0E08)
Successfully raised SoftDistWaitingContentEvent event for program Navision 2.1 execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:14 3592 (0x0E08)
Execution Request for package EUR00062 program Navision 2.1 state change from WaitingDependency to WaitingContent execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:14 3592 (0x0E08)
Persisting request for program Navision 2.1 package EUR00062 in state WaitingContent execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:14 3592 (0x0E08)
Power lease started with ID = 5666 for 7200 seconds execmgr 26/01/2012 17:05:14 3532 (0x0DCC)
ContentAvailable ignoring update with no DPs for content request ID {27393E9B-1119-4477-9A6B-9A8A5A0C9DB3} execmgr 26/01/2012 17:32:43 3900 (0x0F3C)
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