Modify ticket update email to be more similar to "email ticket" email
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currently the ticket modifier is set to:
Ticket Updated.
For complete details, see:
I want it to look similar if not identical (because the more information) to the email I receive when I get an "email from ticket" option. This is the email that is created once within the ticket, bu clicking the email ticket link. I cant seem to find where those variables are. I basically want to have a lot more info go into the original email sent out on first creation of the ticket. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
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Answers (2)
Answer Summary:
adding the variable $ticket_fields_visible worked, thanks
adding the variable $ticket_fields_visible worked, thanks
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Posted by:
9 years ago
Posted by:
9 years ago
As mentioned the admin guide has the variables and usage. It is also posted here:
The format of the email generated from the ticket Action list has changed in version 6.3 to include all of the ticket fields by using the variable $ticket_fields_visible which doesn't include comments. The variable $ticket_fields_visible was not listed on that documentation page but was found in the "Email Ticket Manually" email configuration settings.