


The given applications's source is exe which extracts msi but on installing the msi i found out that the exe installs some additional components like few shortcuts in installdir and HKCR extensions (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.327).
So is it appropriate if i capture the additional settings and implement it in mst file.
Or is there any other alternative. Please suggest.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
is it appropriate if i capture the additional settings and implement it in mst file. Yes but ensure that you capture AFTER you have installed your MSI. In other words:

- run your MSI
- rename the registry entry, so that the EXE's execution of it won't complain about it being installed already
- start your capture
- run the EXE
- run the application and use a few menu options (you may as well grab any settings that the app might save)
- end your capture
- create your MST
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