
MS Access 2007

Has anybody automated the MS Access 2007 using MS-DOS batch file? I had ran the batch file and the windows installer message appeared with the following message: The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program." Which patch is it referring to? Please provide some feedback. Thank you

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Answers (3)

Posted by: jmcfadyen 13 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt
perhaps a little less detail would help..

try posting the batch file.
Posted by: DaveX 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Here is the batch file:

"\\%server%\Apps\5 DMCN Templates\LogFile.vbs"
if exist "%LogFolder%\%AppName%.log" goto :%AppName%
"\\%server%\Apps\MSAccess 2007\Access2007.MSP"
echo " " > %LogFolder%\%AppName%.log
"\\%server%\apps\5 DMCN Templates\license.vbs"

Thank you
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
Can I suggest, before you do anything else, that you apprise yourself of the fundamentals of Windows Installer, one of which is that MSPs are non-executable?

You can then subsequently discover, to your delight, that Microsoft has decided that patches are to replace transforms AND that its products are no longer installable by executing MSIs/MSTs but instead by running the set-up executable. Having created your MSP (I presume that 'Access2007.MSP' is one you've created using the set-up execuatble?) you need to deposit it in the 'Updates' folder and use the set-up executable and the various shaking-of-bones arguments (e.g. /adminfile) which are now being used.

Look up the 'Package KB' for MS Office 2007 or 2010. It's pretty well documented therein.
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