MS Office 2010 Silent Configuration after installation is complete?
Hello All,
This summer the school district I work for decided to switch everybody over to MS Office 2010. I setup the silent installs, got that pushed out to everybody over the summer months, and everything was working great. I had setup two different installs. One of these contained only Word, Powerpoint, and Excel. It almost works fine, but apparently I slipped up and didn't check to see if the proofing tools were properly deployed. So now I have to try and configure all these machines that don't have the spelling and grammar checking working properly. My question is, how do you silently configure MS office after it has been installed, without having to reinstall the software. I've done a little googling, and will be doing a bunch more before the day is over, but I'm hoping you guys have an easy answer for me. Thanks for your time. -Ben M
Answers (1)
Create another .msp using OCT and deploy it..