
MS Office Pro & Std together ?

I have created MS Office 2010 Pro and Std editions with MUI Languag packs.

I intend to copy the whole media togther into one folder with MS Office2010_ Std + MS Office2010_Pro with different installation BAT files which directs setup.exe to use config.xml respectively. My intent to keep the two medias together in order to save space on my server and deploy the applications depending on requirement of departments.
i.e. If Finance requires Professional edition: I would deploy it using Insall_Office2010_pro.bat
If HR requires Standard edition: I can deploy standard edition by using Install_Office2010_Std.bat file using SCCM

Hope you get my point :)

My questions to above strategy:
1. Am I doing something wrong ?
2. Will this violate EULA agreement ?

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Answers (3)

Posted by: Arminius 13 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
Well, ELUAs are typically based on installations counted in conjunction with seats purchased, along with possible downgrade rights. That's more of a question for your vendor - if ever you get audited, you'd want to show that you talked with someone selling the product as opposed to people who are very good at installing and distributing it.

Are you really that short on server space? You may not be doing something wrong, but looking at this makes me say something doesn't look right.
Posted by: satnix 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
@Arminius: The silent instllation for MSOffice pro , std in any language works without any problem.I just need to pull the right bat file for sccm task sequence. There is no error and this trick actually saves me space.
I am quirious whether this is approved by Microsoft for audit related exercises. Couldnt find such exercise been discussed in any of the forums. (or maybe my search keywords were wrong)
Posted by: jmaclaurin 13 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt
If I recall, the difference between Std and Pro is Access. Make a Std install for all users and an Access install from the Pro DVD. Those that want Pro (ie Access) just deploy Access to their machine. The total disk amount taken should then be just a little more than Pro and less than Pro and Std combined. Just a suggestion....

Keep the media for both regardless.
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