
Msi Fails with Redirected "My Documents"

I redirect the "My Documents" folder for the Default User during the unattend of my XP desktop. Later in the unattend several MSI's install - but fail unless the "My Documents" is not redirected.

The error message relates to an error in the Directory table but I do not see anything wrong in the table and "Check Tables" reports no error.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Answers (3)

Posted by: MSIMaker 20 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt
I'm guessing here but I think your problem is based on the msi gathering the values for CommonAppDataFolder and possibly MyPicturesFolder when it is installing and assigning it the redirected folders path.

If you have redirected it to H drive for instance then that drive would need to be available to all users which it isnt. Hence the error.
Posted by: dsmith29 20 years ago
Yellow Belt
We have the same issue, and our workaround has been to wrap a script around the raw MSI files. Among other things, the script makes sure the mapped drive is available. Generally, we just map (in our case, H:) to the local system's default share. In most cases, it doesn't matter if it's the "right" H: drive; it just needs to see one.

This can also be accomplished with custom MSI actions, assuming you have the tools and the leeway to edit the MSI, but I have not delved into that.

In other words, our SMS and Altiris packages call scripts which in turn call the MSI's. Our packages don't call the MSI's directly.

Good luck.

Posted by: craig16229 20 years ago
Third Degree Brown Belt

Another possible solution (if you have AD to work with) is to have a Group Policy take care of the redirection of My Documents, rather than it happening at the unattended install of XP.

Craig --<>.
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