
MSI Localization.

Hi all,

I have an existing MSI which is done using Visual Studio 2008 tool. Now I have requirement where I need to support for Localization. My question is how to convert the existing VS created MSI into InstallShield MSI and also how do I support for multiple languages. In InstallShield there is one option called Installation Localization which supports for localization but when I build the project it is creating celebrated exe. I want it should create an MSI.

Please help me to resolve this issue.

Thanks in advance.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: pjgeutjens 13 years ago
Red Belt
You would basically create transforms for each language (I assume you're talking about localising the installer, not the actual application?). Usually they are named after the pertinent language code, like 1033.mst, 1032.mst etc. You would reference the dialog texts to entries in the Strings table of the MSI, and in the different transforms you translate the entries in said Strings table and change the ProductLanguage and Summary Information to the correct value.

You can then either keep the different language transforms next to the msi and install with TRANSFORMS="<transform name>" option, or stream them into the base MSI (see here for a discussion on that topic) and then install with TRANSFORMS=":<embedded transform name>"

Posted by: jmcfadyen 13 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt
i would throw away installshield and use WiX if your developing in VS.
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