msi not installing when applying /qn
Tryhing to install software but its not working when applying /qn. I'm new to packaging and when I tried to launch MSI I got a message saying that I had to run setup.exe. So I deleted this launch condition
it runs fine with msiexec.exe /i "C:\directory\installer.msi" but not msiexec.exe /i "C:\directory\installer.msi" /qn
I also tried msiexec.exe /i "C:\directory\installer.msi" /quiet but no luck either. any ideas?
Answers (10)
Thanks for everyone's suggestion. ISSETUPDRIVEN=1 didnt seem to work. VBScab is it possible to edit this in orca, or is this something only the vendor can fix? This software im trying to install is netbackup java - ck357 9 years ago
Yup, although I use InstEdit this days: it's what I call "Orca on steroids."
To nail down if what I'm suggesting is indeed the cause, do 2 installs, both with verbose logging and compare the logs. You should see an action being executed in UI mode that doesn't get executed in silent mode. If my property-setting theory holds water, you'll see a property value being changed or added in UI mode that doesn't change/get added in silent mode. - anonymous_9363 9 years ago-
Thanks, will look into that. I did as suggested and I see this in the UI mode which I dont see in silent
MSI (c) (UI Sequence table 'InstallUISequence' is present and populated.
MSI (c) Running UISequence
MSI (c) PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding EXECUTEACTION property. Its value is 'INSTALL'.
How would I add this to installexecutesequence? Copy and paste row from installuisequence? - ck357 9 years ago -
I am seeing a very similar problem. I added a VBScript Custom Action to a Java MSI. The custom action will run if I double-click the MSI or run it from the command line without /qn etc.
I created verbose logs of the install and it appears the condition is being evaluated to false which explains why the custom action isn't running.
MSI (s) (08:24) [14:24:01:132]: Running ExecuteSequence
MSI (s) (08:24) [14:24:01:132]: Skipping action: SetSilentInstall (condition is false)
MSI (s) (08:24) [14:24:01:132]: Skipping action: uninstallexe (condition is false)
MSI (s) (08:24) [14:24:01:132]: Skipping action: RemoveExistingProducts (condition is false)
MSI (s) (08:24) [14:24:01:132]: Skipping action: RUN_PREINSTALL_VBSCRIPT (condition is false)
I have used NOT REMOVE And PREINSTALL_VBSCRIPT for the conditional statement for both InstallExec and InstallUI.
Do I still need to set a property for it to always execute? - gestenta 8 years ago
>Do I still need to set a property for it to always execute?
Grrrr! Idiot forum software *still* only allows 3 replies, hence why my response appears here.
In a word, yes, you do.
Also note that this forum software is doubly idiotic, in that there's no way to display posts in 'Conversation' order. I only saw your post because I'm still subscribed to the original post. In future, if you want prompt responses, I would advise creating a new thread with perhaps a link to anything similar which you found.
Lastly, top marks for searching for a solution to your problem before posting! :-)
>Do I still need to set a property for it to always execute?
I have been Googling but unable to find anything concrete for just how to set the property for the CA.
Been working on this for a few months off and on. - gestenta 8 years ago
If there's no property named 'RUN_PREINSTALL_VBSCRIPT' in the Property table, create one and add a value of '1' for it.
If the property already exists, change its value to '1'.
BTW, 1) I hope you're making these changes via a transform and 2) you know you have more work to do so that, for example, automatic updates are disabled? I won't repeat here what needs to be done on that score: it's been done to death here so use your ITNinja search skills to find details of the 2 'deployment' files.
No, that's not it. 'Install' is the standard action passed to the ExecuteImmediate sequence. - anonymous_9363 9 years ago