
MSI that needs its setup.exe

Hi all,

I have extracted the MSI and CABs for Nero 7, and am unable to use Tuner to create an MST for it, as everytime I point Tuner at this MSI it barks about it needing setupx.exe to run the MSI. So, I can launch the MSI with a few properties set and it runs fine, BUT, as I use GPOs to deploy software I don't have any option to specify property settings on install (I'm not entertaining installing via script at this point). I've read all the advice on "packaging" Nero 7 on this site - but all it is is for people that have deployment solutions where they feed property settings to the MSI. How do I create an MST that effectively provides the same functionality as feeding properties to the MSI?

So, this works for me:
msiexec /i nero.msi STARTPARAM="CallFromExe" DONOTRUNSETUPX="1"

But how do I build a transform that'll achieve this?

Any pointers will be appreciated.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: dlernstrom 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
That's an easy one!

1) Use ORCA to edit the MSI.

2) Create a new transform using the Transform->New Transform tab at the top.

3) Find the 'Property' table by scrolling down on the left pane.

4) Right click in the right pane and find the option that says 'Add Row'

5) Property = STARTPARAM

6) Value = "CallFromExe"

7 & 8 ) Repeat for DONOTRUNSETUPX, "1"

9) Save the transform to a MST file by using the Transform->Generate Transform option.

Impliment from commandline via msiexec /i nero.msi TRANSFORMS=nero.mst

or impliment via group policy by adding the nero.msi and then in the dialog that comes up, add nero.mst as a transform.

Posted by: fosteky 17 years ago
Purple Belt
Thanks, that bit of knowledge is I see now quite key. Thanks again.
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