
MSI to deploy Registry Mods

I'd like to be able to deploy a registry mod to the HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop hive using a GPO and an MSI package if possible. Does anyone know of a good article or web page that would help point me in the right direction on how to do this?

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Answers (3)

Posted by: brenthunter2005 19 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt

Forget the MSI part of it, as you don't need one.

You can write your own Administrative Template (ADM) and use that within Active Directory Group Policy to deploy any registry settings. Learn ADM templates as they are very powerful and your friend.

Posted by: sini 19 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
Alternativley you can use active setup to change registry settings for each user who logs on to the computer! The .msi thing wont work alone because youre missing an entrypoint to trigger the .msi for each user. The principle is that a guid regkey exists under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components containing a stubpath string value which contains the setup string(can be anything from a batch file to a .msi file). If a user logs on windows checks if the guid regkey also exists under HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components if not the string stored in the stubpath value gets executed. We used this to do some per user customizing which cannot be done through policies after an unattended setup!
Posted by: ds0934 19 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
THanks both of you! Your suggestions are very helpful. :)
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