
MSIEXEC command line options

Why is it that when I specify

msiexec /a package.msi

I get a incorrect syntax error. I am running this from the command line in win 2k or XP pro and still the same. I am running it from the directory in which the msi file resides. This is really annoying me, It could be that I am just misunderstanding what i am trying to do. My ultimate goal is to do an administrative install of the msi package, is this not correct?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: MSIMaker 20 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt
You are correct cdupuis.

It should deploy as an admin install but in some cases it may fail if it depends on Custom Properties to be populated as a dependancy of the install.

One other thing is that to install it to a Server requires that the account installing it to be an Administrator of that server. So create an account in AD that covers you on your workstation and on the Server you are installing to.
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