
Multiple BIOS Settings Changes at Once

Does anyone know if it is possible to update multiple BIOS settings changes about 10 computers all at once or is it just easier to set the changes myself before or after hours. Our company is trying to set a schedule through KACE for Wake-On-Lan and Auto Shutdown. So far I have a few test computers that I changed manually but was wondering if there is away to do this all at once. We are a DELL shop and have multiple types of models. I know for the most part the basic settings that need to be changed on most Computers in BIOS. Please let me know if anyone has any suggestions for me.


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Answers (17)

Posted by: cmccracken 14 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
Hey Becky,

Check out the Dell Client Configuration Utility (http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/download.aspx?c=us&cs=555&l=en&s=bsd&deviceid=19801&fileid=278576&releaseid=R200703)

Posted by: blentz31 14 years ago
Purple Belt
ORIGINAL: cmccracken

Hey Becky,

Check out the Dell Client Configuration Utility (http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/download.aspx?c=us&cs=555&l=en&s=bsd&deviceid=19801&fileid=278576&releaseid=R200703)


I have looked into this Utility but I was very confused by it and how to set up the utility to get it to run...
Posted by: GillySpy 14 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt
Maybe you could use WMIC to script the changes you need to
Posted by: blentz31 14 years ago
Purple Belt
I downloaded the DCCU and followed the instructions from the link you send me however, I do not have any options to change BIOS Settings like you did on your screen in the demo. I am not sure how to get those options, I checked the list of all models and all the models we have are able to run DCCU.

Posted by: u98106 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Hello Becky,

Just stumbled upon this while browsing around. Did your problem get solved?

Dell Client Configuration ToolKit (CCTK) is the replacement for DCCU (which is now officially EOL'ed) by Dell. I am assuming you are trying to configure client systems (Laptops, Desktops, etc). If you could tell me what exact boxes you have in your setup, I can guide you even better.

Please look for CCTK on support.dell.com under Systems Management utilities. The latest version is 1.2.1.

CCTK *is* the tool for applying BIOS settings on Dell Client systems. Single, multiple, all.

Let me know if this makes sense and, even though it's all there in the user guides and docs, I can guide you step by step to get this done.


PS: I work on the dev team of CCTK
Posted by: blentz31 13 years ago
Purple Belt
We have a range of machines, Optiplex Machines all different models, Latitude Laptops (different models), precision workstations.

Optiplex - 320, 380, 360, 980, 330, 745, 780, GX520, GX270, GX620, 755

Latitude - E6510, E6500, D630, D620

Precision Workstation - T5500, T7400

Let me know if you can help step me through how to set this up or at least give me the instructions so I can pass this onto my supervisor after my internship is completed so he can set it up at a later time if he would like to.
Posted by: RichB 13 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt
DCCU has a web interface and is friendlier than the command line tool CCTK. Is DCCU not recommended any more, even though it worked fine for me? It is still available for download.
Posted by: blentz31 13 years ago
Purple Belt
I tried to use DCCU but I thought it was confusing and I even tried to follow a tutorial on how to set it up. I did it manually for a few machines to run trials on for Wake-On Lan but I want to change all the settings at once to make it easy. I will take a look at both of them again to see if I can understand either one.
Posted by: cblake 13 years ago
Red Belt
blentz31 -Feel free to shoot me an email and we can schedule a time to look at this together.
Posted by: snissen 13 years ago
Fourth Degree Green Belt
I just finished packaging the Dell CCTK, and wanted to note my experience here. About 6 months ago, I'd worked with the older Dell DCCU in a room with 13 identical computers, with mixed results.

But with the newer Dell CCTK, those same machines worked perfectly. And I was able to run the same CCTK setting on 5 different Dell OptiPlex models, some 5 years old, and it still worked, with each model accepting the BIOS settings that it could process.

The latest version of the Dell CCTK is 2.0, which added a graphical user interface to help in preparing the necessary command lines. (I found it here.) I highly recommend this solution--it was well worth the time to figure it out and set it up. Sande
Posted by: cblake 13 years ago
Red Belt
Thanks Sande! I hadn't looked at CCTK in more detail in the last few weeks/months. I like the new one much better.
Posted by: Acedashdog 13 years ago
Purple Belt
Hi, I've downloaded this and it just seems to be a load of Linux stuff - where can I get the PC version please?
Posted by: snissen 13 years ago
Fourth Degree Green Belt
Here's the link: it's now up to version 2.0.1:


To find this, I just searched on Client Configuration Tool Kit Windows.
Posted by: Acedashdog 13 years ago
Purple Belt
Posted by: Acedashdog 13 years ago
Purple Belt

I downloaded it and installed it, and created an EXE to switch on WOL which is my objective. Have I done something wrong or is the EXE meant to be 8mb?

I was hoping for a couple hundred K I could push over the WAN.
Posted by: craig.thatcher 13 years ago
Orange Belt
you can export the settings to an .ini file for distribution. there is a cctk commandline tool in the install directory as well, i use this setup for our deployments in the K2200 as a pre-install step. Simply create a script with a zipped file of the cctk and your ini file and pass the ini file using the command line. We use an output file as well and post to a standard area for troubleshooting.

  • how do you do it as preinstall step in K2000 - work@deploy 12 years ago
Posted by: Acedashdog 13 years ago
Purple Belt
Bazzing! [:D] Thanks for your help
I found I need a DLL and to install HAPI (whatever that is) along the way but they're all there in the folder so I have what I need. Thanks Craig!
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