
Multiple cab files in transform file

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Is it possible to use more than one cab file in the media table?

In the transform file of the package the following entry exists in the media table:
diskid: 1 LastSequence: 371 Diskprompt: LABEL Cabinet #Cabs.w1.cab

adding a new one containing;
diskid: 2 LastSequence: 371 Diskrpompt: LABEL Cabinet productkey.cab

The problem is that the installeren is searching in cabinet file Cabs.w1.cab for a file that is locate inside the productkey.cab
What can i do about this?


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Answers (2)

Posted by: doak 16 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I found the solution, i had to change the last sequence number.

Just for reference
file table:

Media table:

Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
As a point of information, transforms cannot contain embedded CABs. In the post, #Cabs.w1.cab will be the CAB contained embedded in the MSI. The '#' prefix is used to indicate its embedded nature.
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