
My documents in SkyDrive do not appear on the File Explorer (Using a Windows 8 Surface Tablet)

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If I create a documnet (Word, Excel or One Note) it's available on SkyDrive but Sky Drive does not (is not mapped?) to the File Explorer. So, if I create a document it gets saved in the cloud (SkyDrive) but if I want to email that document I'm not able to retrieve it to attach to the email.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Roonerspism 12 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt

I'm guessing you're after this?

You have to install the actual application in order to see your skydrive in the explorer windows. That is, the application, not the app which comes as standard.

Link: https://apps.live.com/skydrive/app/9a65e47d-606a-4816-a246-90f54bf7a3ea

This poses problems for RT users I believe, ie Its not the metro app which runs

When you install it you also get the skydrive upload/download icon in your system tray.



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