
My MSI does not remove the Permissions on uninstall

I am new to packaging and I normaly find the answer on here or google or figure it out for my self but this time i just cant find it 

this is what i did, I created a blank MSI from Installstudio I then added the group and Permissions to C:\windows\Temp, and created a Shortcut to the start menu. I used ISLockPermissions if that makes any difference.

but my problem is that I can install it fine it adds the group and applies permissions, it also creates the shortcut to the start menu.
when i try to uninstall it, it removes the shortcut but the permissions still apply to the folder

how can i get Install shield to remove the permissions on uninstall?  

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Answers (1)

Posted by: dandirk 12 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt

Never really worried about removing permissions on install, most of the time the whole directory is removed...

In this case you would have to probably create a Custom Action (CA) that would remove the permissions on uninstall.

You would probably use a cmdline CA to remove permissions, then set the CA with conditions that would allow the action to only run on uninstall.  aka REMOVE="ALL"


oh and the ISLockPermissions is nice to know, you are using advanced permissions feature of InstallShield.  This is a bit better then the built in permission features of MSI, allowing permissions to inherret to sub-folders (at least on benefit).  Make sure that you go to the General Information Section of InstallShield (MSI opened) and that  Locked Down permissions is set to "Custom Installshield Handling" is set.

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