
My MSI file does not get cached?


When i install my MSI-package and then try to do a repair on that package it says "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable". I have read that the MSI-file should be cached somewhere on the system when it is installed. How is this done? Is this not default? Can i do something so it get cached?


// Bartoooo

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Answers (1)

Posted by: pjgeutjens 12 years ago
Red Belt

The MSI file does get cached, but the cached version is stripped of all files. So if the repair wants to put a file in place, you get this message.

Read my blog on the use of the DuplicateFile table to avoid this issue here: http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/a-general-approach-to-software-package-using-duplicatefiles


  • Nice blog!

    Its so weird because it is just HKCU registry keys that should be installed, no files. The File-table is actually empty. I have made an IE9 MSI-package with IEAK9 and the only thing it does is running a setup.exe with a custom action from the binary table.

    So i have added some registry keys in HKCU to customize it even futher but when i run "MsiExec.exe /fu <GUID> /qb-!" it wants the original file! :( - Bartoooo 12 years ago
  • so it's probably the setup.exe that's missing in the cached version..., did you condition the installation CA to not run during repair? - pjgeutjens 12 years ago
  • The condition is "NOT Installed" in InstallExecuteSequence so i guess it should not be run during a repair. Another weird thing i saw now is that if i run a repair and the user can reach the source files. The Uninstall registry entry gets removed!!!! Seriously!!!
    in : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\windows\currentVersion\<GUID>.

    Have no idea why and how its possible but i guess it have something to do with the package i created with Internet Explorer Admin Kit 9. - Bartoooo 12 years ago
  • The only thing i want to do is to create the registry entry:
    HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MINIE\LinksBandEnabled = DWORD 1

    This will show the favoritesbar by default. I guess i could do it with GPO or the logonscript but then the user does not have the option to remove the Favoritesbar if they want. If only microsoft could have this option in the IEAK!! :) - Bartoooo 12 years ago
  • maybe an option to split this regkey into a separate MSI installation? I know it's abit annoying, but it would do the trick.. - pjgeutjens 12 years ago
  • Ahhh smart! :)

    Thanks for your help pjgeutjens! - Bartoooo 12 years ago

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