
My question has someone used Chromium OS and used the k2000 SDA to send it out to older windows devices or any device, and/or can someone give me a over site of what I need to do to set it up in the k2000?

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So we purchased 5k Chromebooks and will manage them thru google admin console  but we are also going to turn thousands of older windows laptops into Chromebooks  with the Chromium OS. We are using a product called neverware.com to put chrome on these older windows devices.

My question has someone done this and used the k2000 SDA,  and/or can someone give me a over site of what I need to do to set it up in the k2000?

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Is your question how do you use the k2 to distribute an image created by neverware?? - Hobbsy 4 years ago
  • Yes - TimHR 4 years ago

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