
NAI Sniffer - Installing Network Protocol via MSI (DIFx?)

I am not sure if I am hitting a limitation of the DIFx framework or if I need to do something special but I need to repackage the sniffer.sys driver that comes with it. I know the driver is unsigned but I can take care of that part by throwing the system into a kernel debug mode.

The thing is when I try to install the driver using DPINST.exe (which should be identical to DIFx.dll) on a system in debug mode it runs but it actually does not install the driver. It says that it successfully installed but it is not present. The same result will occur if I right click the .inf file and select install.

If I make a MSI with the DIFx.dll the sniffer driver does not install and gives me the following error:

DIFXAPP: Analyzing driver package "C:\Program Files\NAI\SnifferNT\Program\WinXP\SNIFFER.INF".

DIFXAPP: ERROR: file sniffer.sys is not in the section, skipping copy!

DIFXAPP: ERROR 0x800B0100 encountered while adding driver package C:\Program Files\NAI\SnifferNT\Program\WinXP\SNIFFER.INF to the driver store
DIFXAPP: InstallDriverPackages failed with error 0x800B0100

All the required files are in the same component (Driver) and I have the Driver component in the MsiDriverPackages custom table. If I just open the network control pannel and add the driver as a protocol everything works fine. So considering everything I've been through I am starting to think I am using the wrong technology or method to accomplish this installation. Can someone shed some light on this?

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Answers (6)

Posted by: MSIMaker 20 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt
Make sure your custom action to install the file is executing AFTER the file installation so that the files are there on the disk for the inf file to find.

Double check the paths and file locations.
Posted by: kkaminsk 20 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
I decided to fire up the ol MSI debugger and set a breakpoint at MsiProcessDrivers. All the files were in place and I was even able to install the driver from the paused install. I'm almost certian I am dealing with limitation of the DIFxApp.
Posted by: kkaminsk 20 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
Also the Microsoft feedback / Q&A address for DIFxApp (hwux@microsoft.com) seems to be shut down.

[:@] No support for you! [:@]
Posted by: kkaminsk 20 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
Well I made some progress in my spare time today. I set the merge module directory for DIFx to the driver location. Now I get a new error!

DIFXAPP: InstallDriverPackages
DIFXAPP: 'CustomActionData' property 'DIFxApp Version' is 1.0.
DIFXAPP: 'CustomActionData' property 'UI Level' is 5.
DIFXAPP: 'CustomActionData' property 'componentId' is {7DE04691-05F0-41AB-A634-9BFF1FDD8A4E}.
DIFXAPP: 'CustomActionData' property 'componentPath' is C:\Program Files\NAI\SnifferNT\Program\WinXP\.
DIFXAPP: 'CustomActionData' property 'flags' is 0x0.
DIFXAPP: 'CustomActionData' property 'installState' is 2.
DIFXAPP: 'CustomActionData' property 'ProductName' is Sniffer Pro 4.7.5.
DIFXAPP: 'CustomActionData' property 'ManufacturerName' is NAI.
DIFXAPP: Analyzing driver package "C:\Program Files\NAI\SnifferNT\Program\WinXP\SNIFFER.INF".

DIFXAPP: ERROR: file sniffer.sys is not in the section, skipping copy!

DIFXAPP: ERROR 0x800B0100 encountered while adding driver package C:\Program Files\NAI\SnifferNT\Program\WinXP\SNIFFER.INF to the driver store
DIFXAPP: InstallDriverPackages failed with error 0x800B0100
Posted by: kkaminsk 20 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
DIFXAPP: InstallDriverPackages failed with error 0x800B0100

Well that error code is becuase I did not properly put the machine into debug mode. I forgot to set the _DFX_INSTALL_UNSIGNED_DRIVER environment variable to 1. I did get DIFx to install the driver! However it does not show up installed as a protocol but it is in the driver store. [&:]
Posted by: jmarusak 19 years ago
Yellow Belt

Sorry to hear you are having trouble getting sniffer to install via DIFx tools. I have passed the details from your posting to the DIFx tools developers and hope to post a solution for you in the next couple of days. For assistance with the DIFx tools, please send email to:


The email address you referenced above has been defunct for a bit. A second alias for non-DIFx tools installation issues is:

Again, sorry to hear about your difficulties in accomplishing your work with our tools. I hope to have a resolution for you quickly.

Best regards,

Joe Marusak
Partner Development Program Manager
Microsoft Corporation
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