
Need help to prepare for the Flexera Repackaging Exam.

Please can you kind people direct me on how to prepare for the following content of the exam:

Certification Day

Why should I be certified?

The Certified Repackager program recognizes and validates your ability to use the leading AdminStudio repackaging tool.
Having your AdminStudio Certification assures your employers that they're employing a qualified Software Packaging and OS migration expert.

What are the requirements? 
To be Certified Repackager you will need to:

  • Pass the theoretical exam
  • Pass the practical exam

The theoretical exam is a 45 questions test ( 40 Multiple Choice and 5 open questions), passing score is:

60% for Certified Repackaging Professional
80% for Certified Repackaging Specialist

The practical exam will test your abilities to use your Repackaging tool of choice in an efficient and correct way.

  • Certified Repackaging Professional: Basic repackaging skills will be tested e.g.
    • Repackaging
    • Clean-up your snapshot
    • Validation
    • Transforming
    • Upgrading
    • Custom Actions
  • Certified Repackaging Specialist:
    • Analyzing problems
    • Troubleshooting bad designed Packages
    • Solving complex repackaging tasks
I have been on the 5 day course and have the manual but wanted to get more specific ways of learning the above areas.

Thanks you all 

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • Thank you kind people.. Just wanted a direction on undertaking the preparation for the exam. EdT i'm spending a considerable amount of time now to try with Admin Studio. Jaybee96 ..thanks i'm going to practice .. practice. Cheers - aktar22 9 years ago

Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: EdT 9 years ago
Red Belt
There is no substitute for experience. 
All of the abilities being tested are things that you would have to do in any professional repackaging environment.
How much practical experience do you have of using Adminstudio?
Posted by: jaybee96 9 years ago
Red Belt
Hi Aktar, 

Where will you do the exam ?
(who trained you?)

If you posses the theoretical knowledge of Windows Installer / AdminStudio and know how to capture a setup , cleanup, build, test , upgrade + some custom actions skills you will be fine.


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