Need help to prepare for the Flexera Repackaging Exam.
Please can you kind people direct me on how to prepare for the following content of the exam:
Certification Day
Why should I be certified?
The Certified Repackager program recognizes and validates your ability to use the leading AdminStudio repackaging tool.
Having your AdminStudio Certification assures your employers that they're employing a qualified Software Packaging and OS migration expert.
What are the requirements?
To be Certified Repackager you will need to:
- Pass the theoretical exam
- Pass the practical exam
The theoretical exam is a 45 questions test ( 40 Multiple Choice and 5 open questions), passing score is:
60% for Certified Repackaging Professional
80% for Certified Repackaging Specialist
The practical exam will test your abilities to use your Repackaging tool of choice in an efficient and correct way.
- Certified Repackaging Professional: Basic repackaging skills will be tested e.g.
- Repackaging
- Clean-up your snapshot
- Validation
- Transforming
- Upgrading
- Custom Actions
- Certified Repackaging Specialist:
- Analyzing problems
- Troubleshooting bad designed Packages
- Solving complex repackaging tasks
I have been on the 5 day course and have the manual but wanted to get more specific ways of learning the above areas.
Thanks you all
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Thank you kind people.. Just wanted a direction on undertaking the preparation for the exam. EdT i'm spending a considerable amount of time now to try with Admin Studio. Jaybee96 ..thanks i'm going to practice .. practice. Cheers - aktar22 9 years ago
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