
Need help with SCCM : Wake on LAN

Hello folks,

Was wondering if any one can provide some assistance with the following SCCM issue.

I have patch that is required to be deployed over the weekend to all the machines. This patch also requires a REBOOT.
We configured wake on LAN and now the issue is we want to Turn OFF the PC's that are actually turned OFF and Turn ON the PC's that are actually Turned ON after the imnstalltion of the PATCH.
So that if people are remoting from homes wouldn't have any issues.

Is there anything we can do?


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Answers (10)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
In researching a different problem for a user on another forum, I stumbled across this http://groups.google.com/group/microsoft.public.win2000.cmdprompt.admin/browse_thread/thread/58f6297e4b2d4240 which may be useful.
Posted by: aogilmor 16 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
Not sure how you'd go about automatically turning OFF PCs that were turned off - although obviously if wake on LAN works turning them ON is what you want to do to apply your patches.

People remoting in from home should not be any problem - are they on the LAN? Can't AD and SCCM differentiate between a local area connection and remote connection? Pretty poor if they cannot.
Posted by: Ram 16 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
Thank you for a quick response,

Yes we will turn them ON using WakeOn LAn for the systems that are turned OFF for deploying the patch.

There are people who remote to their office PC's from their personal PC's at home. That is the issue.

Posted by: aogilmor 16 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
Oh I get you, in that case it's more of a communication issue:
1. Send out an email beforehand
2 run the updates from a shell that'll notify/prompt the user so they're not surprised by a reboot in the middle of their remote session.
Posted by: Ram 16 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
We have change management to take care of that.

My issue here is to turn OFF only those PC's that were turned OFF before we wake them up for installing the patch.
Keep the others as they are.

Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
So, you want to wake up machines which were turned off, run the update(s) then turn them back off again, right?

Um...can't you simply shut them down, using Shutdown.exe or a WMI-based script?
Posted by: roma70 16 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
You amy want create a query on SCCM based on PC that are ON and run the package with Install/Reboot notification needed and all the remaining you may run a different package where you include the shutdown with a script or other means
Posted by: Ram 16 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
Yes VBScab,
But How do I identify the machines which are turned ON using wake on LANand which are NOT using SCCM?

I am unsure about it?

I f any help with the querry I can make would be of great help.

Posted by: Ram 16 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
Hello roma70,

It would be good if you can give me a more precise settings. I guess u r talking about the task sequence conditions. I checked in them but didn't know what condition to place in it.

It would be good if you can help me.

Posted by: Ram 16 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
Thank you VBScab,

I will got throught it and let you you know how it goes.

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