
Need to Generate Custom Inventory report using PowerShellScript

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I want to pull out the list of devices with Microsoft 3D Viewer and Microsoft Paint 3D software installed, along with their version details. I want to do this using Power Shell scripting in KACE SMA. I’m new to KACE SMA could anyone kindly advise me on how to generate the report for my requirement using a custom Inventory report?

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Answer Summary:
Posted by: Nico_K 5 months ago
Red Belt

it would be smarter to create a report directly, since you have all info already in the appliance.

But you can report it via wmic, so a CIR for M$ 3D Viewer would be something like:
ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd /c wmic product where "Name like '%%3D Viewer%%'" get name,version)

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