Neet a Utility to Auto Rebind a NIC for Windows XP
I am creating a utility to allow our support staff to change the host name on a PC, Its IP address and have it rejoin the Domain with the new name. (used NETDOM for this) It also renames any application that is configured with a Host name. We had a utility for this developed for Windows NT. It used a utility from MS called Runncpa.exe This utility is used to rebind the NIC card once the IP address has been changed. I can not find anything like it for XP. Anyone know of such a utility?
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Posted by:
19 years ago
Posted by:
19 years ago
Check out the utilities on to see if there is one that meets your needs. Otherwise I would create a VBScript using WMI calls to do it. Also be aware that some namechanger applications change the computer's SID as well and this might negativly impact some registered programs on the PC as well as render encrypted files unaccessable
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