
.Net Installation

Hi All,
Here is my issue. I have one application to package. The app itself is quite straight forward, but it needs to have Adobe Acrobat Reader Installed, .Net 1.1 installed .Net Crystal Reports installed. I want to be able to bundle all these into one msi and run custom actions to setup all these along with my application. .Net 1.1 (dotnetfx.exe) is an MSI so I imagine this cant be shipped with my msi and will have to run seperately. The .Net crystal reports are merge modules so thats cool. The application is being deployed to platforms ranging from Win9x through to and including XP. Some of these users are in corporate environemnts and some are home users with there PC's. Can anyone suggest the best way to package this app with all the other applications and the tell what privelages to apply if any. If there is something thats not clear please ask. I will try and clarify.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: dm1 19 years ago
Blue Belt

I wouldnt advise you try and incorporate all these into one MSI. this would be very bad looking further down the line, for modularity & reuse.

What I would do is try to package the three applications separately(you already have .net as an MSI). You should then try creating a wrapper script that will run all three MSIs when you deploy.

This is the way I would approach the problem, others may have other suggestions, but i definitely wouldnt use ONE MSI.
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