
ODBC connection password question

I am trying to put down a SQL ODBC entry and have a question. I know how to configure the data source via Wise Script or how to merge the appropriate registry file for the connection, but my question is specifically about the credentials, and how do you pass them along with the connection? (or can you?)

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Answers (2)

Posted by: JimmPanik 16 years ago
Orange Belt
I am trying to do the same thing basically. Did you ever find an answer to this? Specifically, I need to supply uid and pwd for the SQL configuraiton of a DSN. This is a one time user logon (that I know of) so windows is not holding this name / pwd anywhere. There must be a place to pass the parameters. Perhaps through a SQL script?

Posted by: aogilmor 16 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
You won't be able to pass the password in the ODBC setup. Username, yes. But the user himself must authenticate. At that point (after first authentication) most ODBC connection drivers do allow for a persistent or cached password.

Doesn't this make sense from a security standpoint?
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