
Office 2000 to 2003

Hi there!

I am currently trying to build a Transform for Office2003, purpose is, that an existing Office2000 installation ist partially replaced - concrete:
I just want to Uninstall Outlook2000 and replace it with Outlook2003 - sounds pretty simple but it has been giving me a real headache by now..

I use the MS Office2003 Resorcue Kit -> Custom installation wizzard and made several different approches on this one by now, but the results I get are as well disturbing as enervating:
Option 1: The Office 2003 installation REPLACES the whole 2000 installation and doesn´t care about the MST-settings
Option 2: The Office 2003 installation UNINSTALLS the whole 2000 installation, just installs Outlook and once again doesn´t care about the MST-settings

I tryed some different combinations but it seems to me as if there is some option I either just don´t understand or that doesn´t work...

If anyone could provide a guess, which option to look at, I´ll be literally jumping around ;-)

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Answers (1)

Posted by: nightshade 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thread can be closed, I took the MSI from the Outlook2003-InstallCD so there is no fuss with this un/installroutines anymore..
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