
Office 2016 Application deployment not downloading from 2 of 4 distribution Points.

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I am attempting to install an Application (Office 2016) through SCCM (2012 R2), and the package does not download.  The set up is a main site server that also acts as the local DP and 3 remote DP.  The main site server and 1 of the remote DP deploy the Application without issue.  2 other Remote DP are having issues getting the application install to the client.  Software Center is stuck at Downloading (0% Complete) 3 components.  The 3 components are Office 2016, and packages for the uninstall of Office 2010 and Communicator 2007.  I'm using Application Supersedence for this.  The uninstall applications appear to download without issue from the same DP but the Office payload does not seem to want to download.  The DataTransferService.log has the following sequence:

Raising event:instance of CCM_CcmHttp_Status
 ClientID = "GUID:2f0eee54-9d0c-4581-b192-f25088e97e5e";
 DateTime = "20160805164824.018000+000";
 HostName = "<DP-Name>";
 HRESULT = "0x80072efe";
 ProcessID = 1976;
 StatusCode = 207;
 ThreadID = 5792;
 DataTransferService 8/5/2016 9:48:24 AM 5792 (0x16A0)
Successfully sent location services HTTP failure message. DataTransferService 8/5/2016 9:48:24 AM 5792 (0x16A0)
Error sending DAV request. HTTP code 207, status 'Multi-Status' DataTransferService 8/5/2016 9:48:24 AM 5792 (0x16A0)
GetDirectoryList_HTTP mapping original error 0x80072efe to 0x800704cf. DataTransferService 8/5/2016 9:48:24 AM 5792 (0x16A0)
GetDirectoryList_HTTP('http://<DP-Name>:80/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/Content_c3d66391-5ca0-42ba-ada3-9dacff783911.1') failed with code 0x800704cf. DataTransferService 8/5/2016 9:48:24 AM 5792 (0x16A0)
Error retrieving manifest (0x800704cf).  Will attempt retry 1 in 30 seconds. DataTransferService 8/5/2016 9:48:24 AM 5792 (0x16A0)

This occurs after 2 other applications successfully downloaded from the Distribution point.  I have removed the application from the DP and re-uploaded it several times.  This same application and components work fine on 2 other servers.  I input the url:


into Internet Explorer on the machine that is having the error and I see a list of files that I would expect.  So I'm not sure which file is causing the unexpected server disconnect.  We are using Port 80, and since other apps download I do not think it could be a firewall issue.  This is not a boundary issue (another popular solution) because this is only a single application.  I don't think but can't prove it's the application package because it works on other DP and have redeployed it several times.

Any new ideas of where to look or why this might be happening are greatly appreciated.

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Answers (3)

Posted by: sparky86 8 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
if you check under IIS permissions for the MS_DP_SMSPKG$ site and see if anonymous is enabled, if not enable it and re-test, if it is enabled i would also check the ssl certificate on that DP as it may not be allowing SSL transfers
Posted by: Grandizer1973 8 years ago
White Belt

Thanks for the reply I've checked both settings.  Anonymous login is enabled on the page and also in the SCCM DP properties.  The certificate is still good.  I should also note, I've increased the Cache size from the default 5 to 10GB.  Other applications seem to be downloading without issue.  It only seems to be the Office 2016.  Now when it says an "Error Retrieving Manifest" is there a particular manifest file?  Or does that just mean the list of files required for the application?

Thanks again.

  • i would suggest if you're getting that error to remove the Deployment Site role from the affected servers and then re-applying them as it sounds like the DP acting up, this can be simply done via the console. i would test on one server first, if successful then re-deploy, but in the past when ive had the manifest error that the quickest way to resolve it - sparky86 8 years ago
    • A quick follow-up what kind of impact would doing this have? Do I have to redeploy all applications to that DP? This is mostly so I can inform management of impact of the resolution. - Grandizer1973 8 years ago
      • onces removed from the DP role the server will loose all currently deployed apps/packages and task sequences distributed to it, clients will not loose any data. once the role has been re selected provided your servers are part of a distribution group you will have to re-add it to the DP group and provided all packages/applications and task sequences are deployed to that DP group, the sccm server should do a content validation and re-download the missing content automatically.

        i would also check the Distmgr.log on the faulty DP first as you will see if there is any creation/replication issues - sparky86 8 years ago
Posted by: Killragtshirts 8 years ago
Orange Belt
Did you see this?

Old thread but might be worth checking


  • Thanks for the reply, I did see that one. The solutions on that page are somewhat vague and would be pertinent if all of my applications didn't download, but this is only impacting a single application. This same application is distributed to 2 other server with 50% success. So I don't think it's the application itself. I'm working with MS on this one right now. I will post the solution when it presents itself. - Grandizer1973 8 years ago
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