
Openning .msi in MS Access?

I found Orca today and was fairly excited. I have a database background, so seeing installations in a db representation is helpful. Does anybody know if it is possible to open the Windows Installer db for a given .msi in MS Access?

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Answers (3)

Posted by: Glytzhkof 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
MSI files are COM structured storage files (like office files, OLE stuff). I believe the actual database format is custom, but I think it is based on the MS SQL Sever format. All in all I don't think there is an easy way to make MSAccess understand all of this.

Here is a blog which tells you more than you want to know:
Posted by: cdupuis 20 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt
Me thinks the MSI structure reflects that of the JET Database design.
Posted by: SourceAndBuggy 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks for the response and for the link. There are a number of helpful blogs there. If you know of any other links like this (i.e., links that help a beginner in the wonderful world of Windows Installer), I'd sure appreciate your sharing them with me!
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