
Oracle 11g r2 Client not installing after deploying through SCCM2012

Hi all,

Am struggling to find out what would be the problem for (installation failed (error 0xfffffffff (-1)) in the software center) after deploying Oracle 11g R2 client to the test machine via SCCM2012.

It does silently install on my machine with the command line oui.exe -silent -waitforcompletion -noconsole -force -nowait -install -responsefile client.rsp

 Am not sure if there are any settings or different deployment process in the SCCM2012 as am still getting used with it. 

P.S rest of the applications are being successfully deployed and tested.

Thanks for your help!

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Answers (3)

Posted by: pjgeutjens 12 years ago
Red Belt

have you tried passing the full path to the response file in the commandline?

  • Yes, I have tried that before using only command line in the SCCM program. In a .bat file I gave the full path along with the switches to Client.rsp. But, that resulted in an installation failure error 0X80070002(-2147024894) in the software center on the Test Machine after deploying via SCCM2012.

    Thanks for your response! - Dabears! 12 years ago
Posted by: mcompton69 12 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

To ellaborate on the above, create a batch file with your command line in, and prefix the  client.rsp with "%~dp0 and also add speach mark at end to.


So in the batch it would read:

oui.exe -silent -waitforcompletion -noconsole -force -nowait -install -responsefile "%~dp0client.rsp"

The variable %~dp0 only works in batch files and has the effect of prepending the full path to the current directory.

Why go to this length?  Because the full path the program is run from on the local machine will depend on the site code, the package ID and the source version so its not always going to be the same.

  • I will try n let you know! - Dabears! 12 years ago
  • It didn't work, I got the exact same error as above!

    These are the different ways I tried:
    1) only command in the sccm program command line
    2) command line with full path (I wonder why full path is needed when we have the path in the "data source" of package properties)
    3) command line with %~dp0 client.rsp in the .bat file
    4)full path along with the command line in the .bat file

    Errors: 0xffffffff (-1) and 0X80070002(-2147024894)

    Hope I'll get past this deployment, its been hanging there since a month..

    Thanks for your help! - Dabears! 12 years ago
Posted by: dunnpy 12 years ago
Red Belt

There is a gotcha with the response file too, open it up with notepad and take a  look at it.

There is a section near the top called 'FROM_LOCATION', if you have not modified this already it will have the absolute path that you ran the installer from to create the .rsp file to refer back to the products.xml file e.g. -  c:\myoracle\installer\stage\products.xml

There is an example above in the commented section that shows "..\stage\products.xml", you'll need to modify your entry to match this path otherwise it will be looking for that absolute path and not a relative path to the file.

This has caught me out in the past :)

Also, are you downloading and running or running directly from the DP? Try a download and run if you're going straight from the DP.

I've also seen issues with running this kind of thing from the local SCCM cache as the path to the cache is quite long. Use a task sequence to perform two actions, one to copy the source to a folder off C:\ and another to run the actual installer.

Final thing - other versions of the Oracle installer aren't Windows 7 aware, so I've used a shim from Microsoft ACT to allow the installer to thing it's running on XP SP2, also there is another switch "-ignoreSysPrereqs" which has also helped with getting it working, and I notice you aren't using on your command line.

Hope that helps,


  • Thanks for your response,

    Strangely, In my response file I don't see that "FROM_LOCATION" property to edit. However, I see that the source location is displayed in the summary before saving the response file. So, I tried capturing the response file by running the setup.exe from the server location. But, yet to see how it works after deployment.

    Yes, am downloading and then running from the dp.

    I haven't tried the task sequence as am yet to determine whether it works with other options or not.

    I should try Mocrosoft act, I deployed by adding -Sysprereqs to my command line but couldn't get it installed on the test machine.

    What do you think is the problem if 'From_location" is not to be seen in the responsefile?

    Thanks for your help! - Dabears! 12 years ago
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