
Package causes machine to get bogged down

I am packaging FileNET Panagon Desktop 3.3 using InstallSheild AdminStudio 5.5 and I have run into a problem. My MSI installs without any problems but when I launch the application shortcuts, the response time is 3-4 times slower than if the application had been installed from original source.

The machine seems to be completely bogged down and everything else takes longer to run too.

The application adds to the environment PATH - I made sure that the entries to PATH are appended at the beginning instead of at the end. There are no services running. FnSysMgr.exe runs in memory but it does that from original source too. I stopped it anyways to be sure and I still have the same problem.

Any suggestions?

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Answers (4)

Posted by: aogilmor 19 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
Sometimes setup capture will include network configuration.

Make sure you're not capturing anything that's not relevant to the application.
Posted by: MSIMaker 19 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt
Filenet requires alot of keys opened in the registry if a user is running it.

Run a Regmon and start Filenet. Save the log and then open Excel and do a file open and open the log.

Excel will import it and you can search for ACCESSDENIED. Those are the keys that need opening as part of the install.
Posted by: meenasm 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I don't have permissions issues becuase the application works - just slow. I ran Regmon and Filemon and have permissions open on all necessary keys and files. To be sure I also installed the package with an administrators account and it works the same way - very slow.
Posted by: brenthunter2005 19 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt
What was the reasoning for appending to the beginning of the PATH variable, instead of at the end?

My £0.02p worth: "C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32 should really be at the beginning ALL OF THE TIME, since this is where the majority of the required files are going to be kept."
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