
Packaging for deploying Microsoft Flight Simulator X

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I'm trying to create a package for microsoft flight simulator X to install silently and also already have the product key information entered so that the end user isnt prompted when they initially launch the software. I was able to use orca and add the ISSETUPDRIVER property so that I can launch the .msi file without having to launch setup.exe first. The software will install silently but it still prompts for a product key on launch. I tried adding a value in the property table, PIDKEY, with the product key but I assume I'm not using that correctly, because it still prompts when the game is launched.

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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
My requirements have changed and now I just need to package it to install the on-site tech will go to each machine and enter the product key.
Posted by: Rvlieburg 12 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt

If you want to use the setup executable with the same parameters as with the extracted msi you can use the following syntax for deployment with uninterruptable user interface and enter any property in between:

setup.exe /s /v"REBOOT=R ALLUSERS=1 /qb!"


Posted by: anonymous_9363 12 years ago
Red Belt

I'm trying *really* hard to imagine why anybody would want to deploy MS Flight Sim in a corporate environment...or why any HR department would allow it!

  • It's for a school site, they want it packaged for their engineering lab so it's easier to deploy than individually loading it on each machine, 35 in a lab. The problem I was having is that the registration process isnt until after the installation. It's prompted after the initial lauch.

    My requirements have changed and now I just need to package it to install the on-site tech will go to each machine and enter the product key. - eidle 12 years ago
    • I have the same situation, school site that offers aviation as an elective that want a lab with FSX. How did you end up packaging it? Did you succeed with the above mentioned setup.exe /s /v"REBOOT=R ALLUSERS=1 /qb!" ? - br4dlz 10 years ago

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