
Patch schedule reboot message

We have had an informative message for years, and I still get feedback from users that hate to reboot.  Now that I have accepted nothing will change their hatred of patching and rebooting, I'm ready to embrace it.  Today I change the message to "Free coffee if you reboot."

If you have a funny suggestion, please let me know.  Unless someone important complains, I'll probably rotate notification messages that are not serious.


2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Ha-ha I like your style.

    Let’s be honest, users will complain about anything that causes them a slight inconvenience. Albeit a different story if their system was compromised! - Maidens 7 years ago
  • I think users complaining about reboots is just about as common as users ignoring notifications and emails regarding upcoming maintenance or outages. I had several users that swore they read the alerts and to show them that they did not, I pushed this message out to a few of them and we never heard one concern of it's contents (showing me they didn't read it).

    "Contraband has been detected on your PC. Please remain where you are. Security, HR and your immediate supervisor have been alerted and are currently in route to you. If you have an empty box at your desk, better start packing your personal items." - DaveMT 6 years ago

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