Patching never ending loop - Managed Installs keeps re-installing old version.
I need to preface this with, I was never shown how to set up patching from bare metal during jump start. This is the only part of the box I've never gotten clear instruction on.
When the 10.x schema issue happened. I was totally lost but finally got somewhere with some suggestions from a few people.
Scenario: We are using Kace to patch the following software
Audacity (Mondays)
7-zip (Tuesdays)
Notepad++ (Wednesdays)
Chrome (daily checks)
Firefox (daily checks)
Filezilla (Thursdays)
Java (daily)
Adobe Reader (daily)
VLC (Fridays)
GIMP (Saturdays)
My Patch Smart Label wizards as suggested by a few people are all:
Name - Contains - SoftwareName AND
Publisher = Publisher AND
Superseded is NO
Smart Label is HQ:Patching - SoftwareName
Detect and Deploy are spaced out accordingly to not overload the k1000/SMA... This part works great.. Patches detect and then deploy without issue.
The problem is, the next time the PC checks in, the Distributed install says "Hey, I cant find Chrome 72.0" and it proceeds to Uninstall 72.0.1 and installs the older version. This happens with all patched software.
I have tried various suggestions found on ITNinja, and without disabling my managed installs, I can't keep software updated with patching.
Disabling and manually updating a managed install every time a patch is available seems to defeat the point of having automated patching.
I reach out to you, oh wonderful Kace users.... What the heck have I done wrong?!
Answers (1)
I use really generic labels for managed installs that look only for the software title, so when versions change they don't fall back into the smart label.
For Firefox, the smart label only evaluates on "SOFTWARE TITLES does not contain Firefox."
Patching is a BEAST, though, so if you haven't watched some old KKEs on them I'd highly recommend them.
You're using smart labels for managed installs?
edit: That actually makes a little more sense now that I have tested it. However, I have some things to work around like manually updated software that is deployed via the Managed Installs. At least I have a starting point that makes more sense now. Thanks
I should add, patching was running perfectly prior to 10 (but only updated Chrome, Firefox, Adobe and Java,) This was set up by the folks that did our Jumpstart and they imported the rules as we had spent so much time on other things.
I understand patching is powerful. Just never knew how to properly configure it the correct way. Especially now on the new version :) - jguthrie 5 years ago