
Photoshop 1603 error

I've been trying to install adobe ps and i keep on getting the 1603 error. I've deleted all my adobe products, ran regcure, cleared my temp folder, not sure what else to try. any suggestions?

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Answers (3)

Posted by: AngelD 15 years ago
Red Belt
Install with verbose logging and check the actual error, 1603 is just a general error return code that something went badly wrong ;)
So a search for "return value 3" and then do a search for error upwards.
Posted by: PirateNinja415 15 years ago
Yellow Belt
sorry to ask, but how do i install with verbose logging? i went to this link http://itninja.com/question/what-is-pxe?3
but it i couldn't find Installer Reg_SZ: Logging when looking through all of the folders.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
Hmmm...I get the feeling this is going to be an uphill struggle. The article clearly says:Windows includes a registry-activated logging serviceIf perhaps you were referring to the registry's keys as folders, the article goes on to say:Open the registry with Regedt32.exe and create the following path and keys:
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