
photoshop elements 9.0 silent install - not working

hi everyone, I hope I could find an answer to my problem here:

I have a volume licence for adobe photoshop elements 9.0, and I'm trying to install it silently (no dialog box) on several computers.

I've read the documentation here:http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/861/cpsid_86149.html and understood it (I think)

ok here are the problems:

when I use the command Start/wait C:\"Adobe Photoshop Elements 9"\Setup.exe /UL1036 /V"SERIALNUMBER=1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111"
(or whatever is my path, it's correct, no space, quote are ok etc...)

it's not silent at all, every step is prompted.

here is my application.xml.override file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Data key="EULADelay">0</Data>
<Data key="EULA">Suppress</Data>
<Data key="Updates">Suppress</Data>
<Data key="Registration">Suppress</Data>

So I tried to modify the setup.ini file, with more success as the installation complete, but the folder "Elements 9 Organizer" does not exist, therefore the shortcut for pse9 targets an inexisting application.

But if I start the photoshopelementsEditor.exe that works (except of course that I cannot start the organizer.

here is my setup.ini file:

CommandLine0=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.msi" TRANSFORMS=1033.mst ELEMENTS_EN_US=1 ORGANIZER_EN_US=1
CommandLine1=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.msi" TRANSFORMS=1031.mst ELEMENTS_DE_DE=1 ORGANIZER_DE_DE=1
CommandLine2=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.msi" TRANSFORMS=1036.mst ELEMENTS_FR_FR=1 ORGANIZER_FR_FR=1 /passive
CommandLine3=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.msi" TRANSFORMS=1034.mst ELEMENTS_ES_ES=1 ORGANIZER_ES_ES=1
CommandLine4=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.msi" TRANSFORMS=1053.mst ELEMENTS_SV_SE=1 ORGANIZER_SV_SE=1
CommandLine5=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.msi" TRANSFORMS=1043.mst ELEMENTS_NL_NL=1 ORGANIZER_NL_NL=1
CommandLine6=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.msi" TRANSFORMS=1041.mst ELEMENTS_JA_JP=1 ORGANIZER_JA_JP=1
CommandLine7=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.msi" TRANSFORMS=1040.mst ELEMENTS_IT_IT=1 ORGANIZER_IT_IT=1
CommandLine8=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.msi" TRANSFORMS=2052.mst ELEMENTS_ZH_CN=1 ORGANIZER_ZH_CN=1
CommandLine9=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.msi" TRANSFORMS=1029.mst ELEMENTS_CS_CZ=1 ORGANIZER_CS_CZ=1
CommandLine10=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.msi" TRANSFORMS=1045.mst ELEMENTS_PL_PL=1 ORGANIZER_PL_PL=1
CommandLine11=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.msi" TRANSFORMS=1049.mst ELEMENTS_RU_RU=1 ORGANIZER_RU_RU=1
CommandLine12=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.msi" TRANSFORMS=1055.mst ELEMENTS_TR_TR=1 ORGANIZER_TR_TR=1
CommandLine13=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.msi" TRANSFORMS=1046.mst ELEMENTS_PT_BR=1 ORGANIZER_PT_BR=1


my installation is in french (040C) and there is no prompt at the beginning of the install (EnableLangDlg=NO)

oh yeah and if I install it manually everything is fine.

Ok so i'm a little bit desesperate here (I even tried to edit the .msi with orca to launch it directly without going throught the setup.exe, but with no luck, and i'm not very familiar with that)

so if anyone has any idea please please please let me know!


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Answers (14)

Posted by: pwpunx182 12 years ago
White Belt

This is a little late but there wasn't a posted resolution. I had the same issue with Photoshop 10. I simply mapped a drive and ran the setup.exe from there and the switch was accepted. It appears that UNC paths aren't supported.

Posted by: aogilmor 14 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
first check that your file is named application.xml.override not application.oxml.override like you have above.

usually with setup.exe you need a /q or /s to make it silent. I don't see one on your command line. If you're lucky you can type setup /? and it'll give you a list of switches. If not contact your vendor support.

they seem to be using xml like microsoft offices config.xml though so maybe not

  • Sorry can't be of any help. - ankaka 12 years ago
Posted by: Rheuvel 14 years ago
Brown Belt
The setup.ini shows what command is used to call the MSI and which properties can be specified.


I don't recall having any trouble actually launching the MSI directly.... Additionally, you can modify things such as the shortcut location with a transform file, or take out the AIR installation to deploy a newer version instead of it's outdated version in the setup (you'll need a new one for the most recent version of the Adobe Help).
Posted by: ersatyle 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
hi, thanks for your replies!

first check that your file is named application.xml.override not application.oxml.override like you have above.

no my file is ok, it was a typo

If you're lucky you can type setup /?
that doesn't do anything special, just run the setup.exe as if I had double clicked on it (I tried -?; /help as well)

The setup.ini shows what command is used to call the MSI and which properties can be specified.
If I go directly with msiexec /i Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.msi I get hte message
"Please install/uninstall the product using Setup.exe in the root folder."
and the setup ends

I tried to modify the msi and mst with orca, there is a line
I tried to delete that, then rerun the msiexec command line

At this point the application installs, but will not run (not any error message or anything)

I tried this on the dvd media file, and on the downloaded files from adobe (trial version) and it's the same thing.

Rheuvel did you install silently photoshop elements 9.0?

If there is any other ideas out there I'll take it!

Posted by: kardock 14 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
try adding this property when launching the msi file;

Posted by: ersatyle 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I tried
msiexec /i "adobe photoshop elements9.msi" transforms=1036.mst elements_FR_FR=1 organizer_FR_FR=1 issetupdrive=1

I still have the error message saying to install via the setup.exe (but it's in french the transforms is correctly taken)
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
Check your command line for typos, especially bearing in mind that all public properties MUST be in upper-case.
Posted by: Rheuvel 14 years ago
Brown Belt
And don't forget the serial number when you run it directly with msiexec.

If I have some free time here, I'll see if I can dig up anything I did. Can only find the app-v package at the moment.
Posted by: Rheuvel 14 years ago
Brown Belt
I just ran into the same problems ersatyle. Funny how I forgot this part....:

When bypassing the setup.exe something does go wrong afterall inside the MSI. Somehow the Organizer isn't correctly installed (this is a seperate MSI located in the ElementsOrganizer subfolder of your installation source). Install the Organizer with the following command line:

msiexec /i "Elements 9 Organizer.msi" TRANSFORMS=1043.mst NOT_STANDALONE=1 /qb

(posted to/fixed the Package KB as well)
Posted by: jigga_what 14 years ago
Orange Belt
When bypassing the setup.exe something does go wrong afterall inside the MSI. Somehow the Organizer isn't correctly installed (this is a seperate MSI located in the ElementsOrganizer subfolder of your installation source). Install the Organizer with the following command line:

msiexec /i "Elements 9 Organizer.msi" TRANSFORMS=1043.mst NOT_STANDALONE=1 /qb

There appear to be other problems as well - Adobe AIR, Adobe Help, and the ExtendScript Tool Kit are not installed either. However, these omissions are not a concern for me, personally. However, the omission of Camera Raw processsing is a REAL PROBLEM for me. Is there a method for adding this functionality back?
Posted by: Arvidb 13 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
I am having the same problem. I belive the issue is caused by the Country/Region input. Since it is required and is blanked out by default it is making the installation faulty.

The information on the Adobe page didn't work for me. I had to edit the .mst file to make the application work with Landesk. But it didn't become silent. You still need to press next.....
When i apply /qb or any other /q in the setup.ini corresponding to my choosen language msi, the installation fails. Thats why I made a manual installation at this point.
You can add the Country information by adding the Property COUNTRY="country number"
For Norway COUNTRY=177
You will find your country in the MSI file
Posted by: Timanator 13 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt
To make this work, you cannot use any "" in the path for the setup.exe. The command line should look just like this:

Start/wait \\Server\Filepath\Setup.exe /UL1033 /V"SERIALNUMBER=1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111"
Posted by: eacacio 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
To make this work, you cannot use any "" in the path for the setup.exe. The command line should look just like this:

Start/wait \\Server\Filepath\Setup.exe /UL1033 /V"SERIALNUMBER=1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111"

Weirdness happening here: I've got this exact command line running from a package created in SCCM, when deploying it, it seems to run fine. During testing, the users want to have it launch automatically into English (rather than having to choos this on first run). Thinking I could simply edit the 1033.mst and run the same command, I went with that. For some reason, when I try to run this command line on a test machine (vm) using admin rights, it says, "invalid switch - "v/UL1033", then quits.

Can anyone think of a reason this would happen? Better yet, does anyone have a surefire way to have Elements launch into a desired language? (I believe it prompts upon first launch)

Any help would be appreciated.
Posted by: richa_shetty86 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Even I am getting the same error as invalid switch.
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