
PHP error on PHP device page Error: Uncaught Warning in /kbox/tmp/smarty/ui/templates_c

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Hello, after updating the server to the current version: 13.0.383 and the agent 13.0.42 we encounter problems when accessing the device page of some PCs see the screenshot.

The problem can be solved by deleting the device because it comes back automatically afterwards but it is annoying.

Have you ever experienced this problem?

Error PHP:

PHP Error: Uncaught Warning in /kbox/tmp/smarty/ui/templates_c/8f5f79c491c356c43647f18ed82be32151ca703f_0.file.machine.php.tpl.php on line 98: Attempt to read property "value" on null

Best Regards.



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Answers (1)

Posted by: gwir 2 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt


Change your local to english and it will work. Got the same pblm, it is related to patching and locales.
This will be corrected in the next version according to the support.


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