
PKZip 8

I'm having problems packaging PKZip 8. Aside from the obvious solution of using anything better than PKZIP, lets assume I'm stuck with it and can't seem to install the software and apply the license key as a package.

I have found an .msi file in a temp folder after I open the packaged .exe. I have created an .mst with a transform named PIDKEY with the license being the value. The whole thing seems to work and even installs. However the end result is something other than a fully installed, licensed version of PKZip. I get an oddly named icon, without a picture, and launching it instantly prompts me to apply the license.

Any suggestions? Am I using the wrong transform name? Should I not be using this .msi? Is there a way to package PKZip's executable so it will install and apply the license?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: cdupuis 19 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt
Try to repackage it after the install but before you apply the license file, do a snapshot, and look at what it captures, it may lead you to the right path, you may be able to take those changes and add them to your transform instead of the PIDKey.
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