
Popup Goes to background

In windows 7, when i run a third party EXE as the custom action, it asks a question yes/no (popup window), the popup window goes to the background and sits on the task bar, therefore, users think the installation is hung on them, how can i make this popup window not to go to the background...

I asked the same question on different site the solution was to use Autoit and to put the focus on the pop windows but i was wondering if there is another way.

Thanks for your reply

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Answers (5)

Posted by: mahendraKumar 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
hi ,

this is because the exes that are called via custom action executes in session 0 of the process when ran in system context.

Session Isolation concept:

In Windows XP and earlier versions of the Windows OS, all services run in the same session as the first user who logs on to the console. This session is called Session 0. Running services and user applications together in Session 0 poses a security risk because services run at elevated privilege and therefore are targets for malicious agents who are looking for a means to elevate their own privilege level.

In Windows 7, the OS creates Session 0 for Services and User Mode Drivers, and creates Session 1 for first user logging in. Running services and user applications in two different Sessions avoid the security risk, because services cannot run at elevated privilege and therefore stops malicious agents. Now when we have a legacy application, in which the application which is running in Session 1 invokes a system service and waits for the user’s interaction, UI displayed by this service is not visible as it is running in a secure desktop. Interaction between Session 0 and Session 1 does not happen. Hence an application, which has a Service and user application communicate using window message functions or local objects fail to execute.

In win7 ,u can via the GUI process running in session 0 by enabling the services called "Interactive Services Detection". so when u run a exe in system context via custom action,during the execution you will get a pop comes in taskbar as interactive services open it and u can view it.

But if u want to have just a fixed selection from the pop windows of exe. then you can use sendkeys or auto it to suppress it.
Posted by: Netrock 13 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
Thank you for details mahendraKumar
Posted by: pjgeutjens 13 years ago
Red Belt
can I ask what the exe is that you're running and what the question is that's being asked?

just curious :)

Posted by: Netrock 13 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
Well, i am installing 3rd party printer driver and that pops up an question asking user want to install. the exe is not supporting any switches such as verysilent....etc.
hope that answer your question.
Posted by: jmaclaurin 13 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt
Slight clarification on session 0 on windows 7, if something is running in session 0 (as System for example) and attempts to pop up on the screen, it will not appear for the logged in user logged in to session 1. And because System does not have an active desktop, 1 of 2 things will likely happen, the install will hang in which you will see your exe or msiexec.exe sitting idle in task manager or it will simply open/close/fail.

This same scenario can occur on XP.

Since you are seeing the pop up on the task bar, this is likely not a session 0 violation.
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