Porblem with including a file using the C# code on the master page.
I am working on the Intervowen TeamSite content Management system. We developed a master page and here we include a file using the following syntax
<!-- #include virtual="~/includes/PageCode.incx" --> or <!-- #include file="/includes/PageCode.incx" --> or <!-- #include file="~/includes/PageCode.incx" -->
But on our tool teamsite when we generate the page, it supports the ~ syntax. When we deployed this masterpage to the server its giving the error that part of the path was not found.
But using this syntax <!-- #include file="/includes/PageCode.incx" --> on server we are able to open all the pages but on the Teamsite WCM we receive the parse error i.e. path not found
I need to able to preview on Teamsite as well as at server too. Please help me out to get rid of this issue.
Thank You
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