
Pre-define the file association with RTSP

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Hi guys,

I packaged RealPlayerG2 into msi and need help with pre defining the file association with RTSP. Any suggestion on how i can do it in Wise Package Studio?


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Answers (4)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
You need to be looking at the Extension and Mime tables. If direct table-editing isn't your thing, use the 'File Associations' link in 'Installation Expert' view. Failing that, why not simply use SetupCapture to record your setting of the association, then merge the resulting MSI with your current package?
Posted by: Inabus 16 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
Agree with VBScab however take special care of putting back the extension if your application has taken over. A good example is Winzip as when you install this it takes over the .ZIP extension which is obviously blanked when the software is unintalled. Through diligent use of Sytem search and custom actions you should then put back the original settings for the user when your app is uninstalled.

Posted by: xaviorpl 16 years ago
Orange Belt
Hey guys,

Thank you for your help. I am wondering when you mentioned to use setupcapture to record settings and merge the resulting msi with the current package, how do i merge two msis? Do you mean to create a third msi in which i install two previously installed msis and then capture all those settings into another msi or there is a way to merge two msi into one?

Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
No, not at all. The easiest (expert) way is just to paste the relevant rows from the tables involved butif you download the Windows Installer SDK, there's a script called WiMerge.VBS provided for this very purpose. As ever, though, ensure you have back-ups of both files before running the script against them.
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