
Problem Capturing an Image created with VMWare

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Hey Guys,

I am a novice KACE user and I am trying to capture an image I created with VMWare. I am new to virtualization so I may be totally incorrect here, but I am doing everything I normally do to capture an image: I set up the VM with all of my programs and settings then take a snapshot of it. I then sysprep it and PXE boot it to my KBE but when I get to the KACE image capture screen I am presented with the following:

I have never had 2 drives to capture before. I tried just capturing the D: drive but when I try to deploy it I get an error "Task Name: Apply Image
Return Code: 4294967295 Error description: Unknown error" 

After a quick google search I found what seems to be the answer from https://support.software.dell.com/k2000-systems-deployment-appliance/kb/112435

"Note: whatever drive letter the partition was captured from winpe, it must be redeployed back onto during a deployment, i.e. if it was captured from d:, then the image must be deployed back to d:"

Everything in KACE is set to deploy to C: and even if I could manage to change things over to D:, I still wouldn't want things set up that way. Does anyone know how to change the settings in VMWare to not use the C: drive for a system reserved so I can capture this image? Before I go to capture the image, I don't see any hint of a partition so I'm confused as to why it's showing up this way. Any help would be appreciated. 


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Answers (2)

Posted by: cserrins 10 years ago
Red Belt
Here is the KACE best practices on creating a system image:

Posted by: StockTrader 10 years ago
Red Belt

when you install Windows 7 on a real or physical computer starting from the media you will always have 2 partition: the System partition (100 Mb usually) and the real OS partition.
It is possible to capture this kind of images but it is even possible to avoid to have the system partition at all on your device: if you will use a Scripted Installation to deploy your Windows 7 to a physical or virtual machine you will not have the system partition anymore and the things will be simpler.
Anyway if you want to capture and deploy a system with this kind of partition set you can follow this article that explains the steps to achieve that result:
Marco - StockTrader
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