
Problem in Installation of Visual Studio Professional 2015

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I am trying to install Visual studio Pro 2015 through AdminDeployment.xml file. Firstly I downloaded everything using /layout then I created admindeployment.xml through /createadminfile. But I found some difference on my two machine. On one machine I got latest update that is Update 10 for a application and when I take same binaries to other machine I can see Update 4 for that application. Please note I have internet connectivity on both the machines. Due to this when I try to Install Visual Studio through AdminDeployment.xml file the required product remains uncheck on other machine before there it is populating Update 4. I don't know why there is no consistent behavior in this application.

Do anyone have any solution for this...

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Answers (1)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 7 years ago
Red Belt
I'd bet my last dollar this is due to discrepancies between either .Net versions and/or updates or Visual C++ Runtime versions and/or updates.
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