
Problems adding file to mapped network drive on Win7 Enterprise x86

Hello everyone.

Got a bit of a problem, i'm creating a package whereby when a user logs in it will automatically copy a file onto a mapped network drive (which acts like a "My Documents" or "documents" as it's called in Win7). from there a shortcut is placed on the start menu under a folder called Safeword MobilePass.

Basically the problem i'm having is getting the file onto the mapped network drive. We use in Active directory the "Home folder" option under the "profile" tab, which maps a network drive when a user logs in. Then use a folder redirection to point the usual "My Documents" (for XP) to the mapped drive.

Now as we're moving to Win7 the folder structure is slightly different, so "My Documents" is actually called "Documents". I was wondering if anyone has done anything similar or can shed some light on what i can try next.

Thanks, David.

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Answers (3)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: jmaclaurin 13 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt
It actually shouldn't cause a problem using either name because of the way Win7 is designed. Having said that, it may be a time lapse between when your command to copy the file runs and the drive is actually mapped.

2 things I have done in the past to fix the same problem.
Before you try the below, configure some sort of logging so you can figure out where the probelm is.
1: I am guessing the drive being mapped is the users "Home" drive and therefore its probably H:. Write to the H: drive instead of the user's My Documents.
2: Wrap the installed program's executing exe into another exe that has logic to copy the files. Also configure the exe to recreate the original shortcut that launches the app. Then hijack the original shortcut in an mst (or whatever you are using the perform the install) to point to the exe you created. Once its launched, it will do the job and reset the shortcut.
Posted by: jimmyx 13 years ago
Purple Belt

Have you looked at using Group Policy Preferences to copy the file and create the shortcut?

Posted by: Verrona 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I haven't no. But the idea was to move away from group policy and eventually just use SCCM. But i can use that as a fall back option if need be.

Thanks for replying tho.
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