
Project management?

We are a small operation in the higher education industry but we do have a K1000 and K2000. We have several P/T employees who assist us with deploying images onto new computer OR computers being upgraded/rebuilt. But beyond the standard image there are a lot of variations from computer to computer. To ensure some consistency in making sure each step is being completed we made a custom sql app with web interface. A checklist that logs who completed what and if something is completed or not, so the next employee can pickup where the previous left off.

To better secure our environment we'd like to move away from our application to something commercially available. Is anyone else using any database or project management software (whatever it would be called) to ensure all steps are being completed on each computer?

Thank you!

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Nico_K 5 years ago
Red Belt

since you already use the SMA (former K1000) you should check the built in service desk.
It can do all you want.
You can track and report who worked on a ticket (like imaging laptop ABCDE) and also can create processes, which consists of multiple steps (and maybe also multiple tickets which are collaborative).
So an usual process flow would be:
HR opens a ticket with: USER ABC is hired, he will work in location 123 and will need the following equipment ...
Then the ticket automaticly opens tickets in IT to create the user, buy or assign assets and image the asset correctly.

  • Thanks Nico_K!
    I haven't used the built in ticketing system yet. Can I create a checklist for these computer "builds" within the ticketing system. For example, Verify "X" software is installed...Setup network printer and drivers, Verify remote connection is working, ..... Things that I need a student worker to check on every build?

    Last, where can I go to learn about setting this up?

    Thanks again! - AthensMatt 5 years ago
    • Yes, you can do that without any problem.
      You can find all in the admin guide.

      You setup at best (I would do it) a Process. In the Parent Ticket you write a checklist and each step in an own child ticket.
      So the owner of the parent ticket gets for each finished step a new ticket he can go through (do not use too many of them, because if you use for instance 9 steps (like I have with my ESXi update procedure) it is more work closing them then the normal work. - Nico_K 5 years ago
  • It might just be me, but I don't want all those process tickets for a smaller organization. So, I don't use Kace for Project Management.

    Two suggestions. A basic checklist can be done in Excel, use a template, then you can attach the excel file (You could just as easily use Word), to the one ticket for imaging.

    Another option is Smartsheet.com. It's a great tool. I use it for Project Management and some task tracking uses. You could also use it for what you are describing. - ForneyGonzo 5 years ago

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