
Providing Username and Password to an MSI installing a service

Hi all,

I have an MSI which installs a service. During the installation it prompts for a Username and Password.
I am installing this msi remotely as part of a daily build for a project. The command im using is as follows:


The installation process starts but it seems to stall at the point where it asks for the credentials.

Does anyone know what I should be doing to fix this? Its driving me crazy! [:(]

Any help would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

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Answers (1)

Posted by: baldeagle 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

Call this commandline in a vb script and compile it to an exe using adminscripteditor. With this software you can add runas command including username and password. All services started from this exe will be run with the provided account. I suggest using an admin account. I already created lots of scripts using this and it really helps me installing software on all my clients without giving users additional rights.

Hope this solves you problem.
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