
Publisher 2003

Has anyone tried installing this on a machine that already has Microsoft Office Tools installed?

I'm using the vendor msi which installs the Office Tools. I'm trying to identify the features that install the Office Tools, but it's proving difficult. When I uninstall the Publisher msi it removes all the Office Tools. It's a conflict solving exercise i could do without, so if anyone has any experience with Office 2003 conflicts please let me know!


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Answers (6)

Posted by: VikingLoki 19 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt
Are you using the Office 2003 Custom Installation Wizard in the resource kit? You'll need to. Office does some funky things in that MSI and the CIW is the only thing that will make a decent transform for it. Configuration of Office Tools is right there on page 7, "Set Feature Installation States". Be sure you set migration of previous installation state how you want it, in the properties group on the same page. That can make a big difference sometimes.

Finally, once you make a transform with the CIW, ORCA is the only editor I've found that doesn't break it. Wise, InstallShield... open the msi with them and immediately save it... broken Office MSI. Usually a problem with accepting the EULA.
Posted by: dm1 19 years ago
Blue Belt
I can't say that I'\m using the resource kit, or the CIW as I dont know what they are!

Are they installed with Office 2003? Problem is i dont have access to Office 2003 package, it just comes as standard on the Build I'm deploying to. I've literally just done an admin install of the setuppub.exe and used the msi to create an MST.

Wierd thing just happenned to me. I removed the Office Tools shortcut from my MST, and uninstalled Publisher; The shortcuts (original ones) remain, obviously, and they all work fine. None of the components seem to get removed. I havent ref counted or left any of the components in my publisher app to permanent. I captured a repair of Office 2003 and nothing seems to be affected.

One of the few times I can say "I dont know WHY this is WORKING!!", rather than "I dont know why this ISNT working"!!!
Posted by: craig16229 19 years ago
Third Degree Brown Belt

Here is the link you need to download the Office 2003 resource kit.


The CIW is a part of this download / install. The tools are fairly intuitive, and should make your deployments much easier to configure and control.

Craig --<>.
Posted by: VikingLoki 19 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt
That's your problem then. Use the link above and use the Custom Installation Wizard. You are DEFINITELY doing it the hard way, using anything else to transform that MSI will result in strange stuff.
Posted by: VikingLoki 19 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt
...gotta love how Microsoft sticks to their own standards.
Posted by: dm1 19 years ago
Blue Belt
Thanks guys,

this will probably be very useful in the future!
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