
QuickTime 7.3.1 Deployment

Hi All,

Wish to get some ideas from you guys out there who has deployed the latest Quicktime 7.3.1 which fixes the latest security issues. I am quite new to packinging, so please be patient with me.

I have about 300 machines to deploy to and I have all sorts of issues with the packaging and there is no documentation from the apple website.

This is what I've done so far.
  1. I have extracted the quicktime_installer.exe file by running the program and copying the files from the temp folder.
  2. 3 files were found. AppleSoftwareUpdate.msi, Quicktime.msi and QuicktimeInstallerAdmin.exe
  3. If I run the Quicktime.msi file manually, there is an option for me to de-select "Automatically update quick time and other Apple software".
  4. I deselect it and progress with the install. Once finished, I rebooted my PC and start Quicktime. It still trying to connect to the internet and in the preference, the "Check for update automatically" still ticked.

Problems so far:
  1. How to disable automatically check for update since the QTP file no longer exist in ALL USER profiles.
  2. What's the best way to deploy to 300 XP workstations via SMS2003.
  3. If I run the MSI in silent mode, there is no options to deselect the "auto update" as specify above (3).
  4. I've look at the MSI in FlexAdminStudio (SMS Edition) Tuner and there is no options for preference settings.

Help is very much appreciated.

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Answers (5)

Posted by: gmorgan618 17 years ago
Blue Belt
The location of the QTP file (Preference file) is set in the users registry...
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Apple Computer, Inc.\QuickTime\LocalUserPreferences

Use activesetup to apply this change to all users or script something to enumerate the user profiles and load this into each hive.
Posted by: nheim 17 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
Hi Cash,
don't install the Apple Software Update MSI.
Without this, the Update should not be possible anymore.
Regards, Nick
Posted by: Cash 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks for the reply gmorgan and heim. Something I don't understand is: the purpose of the Active Setup.

Correct me if I am wrong, the purpose of the Active Setup is:

When a user logon, it automatically copy the pre-configure quicktime.qtp to
C:\Documents and Settings\_CURRENT USER_\Local Settings\Application Data\Apple Computer\QuickTime\

Posted by: gmorgan618 17 years ago
Blue Belt
You could do that... or you could just have it write the registry value above into the HKCU.
Posted by: Dmention 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
For great detail on QT deployment go to http://itninja.com/question/how-do-you-roll-out-new-machines?7774

Currently, I have not gotten it to work on 7.3.1 but I am guessing soon.

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