Quicktime 7.68 with auto updates turned off
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I'm looking for an easy way to deploy quicktime 7.68 with autoupdates turned off or disabled.
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Posted by:
14 years ago
Well I have notes for 7.6.7... hopefully it is close to the same.
REQUIRES Apple Application Support to be installed to run.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]Downloaded installer from Apple's site.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]Extracted msi from temp directory.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]In order to install from the extracted msi, you MUST have a transform that set the global property ISSETUPDRIVEN to 0. If you do not do this, the install will always fail.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]We built a new transform using the following steps:
[font="arial, sans-serif"]Made a custom action .vbs script to copy the .qtp file over to the user profile on first install. (so no reboot needed if installed by current user)
[font="arial, sans-serif"]Deleted the “Uninstall Quicktime†shortcut.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]Note: There does not appear to be any simple way to disable the options to register / purchase QT Pro. If those were discovered, we would like to implement them.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]We did test applying the qtp file to All Users but this simply does not work.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]Quicktime “service†is a registry setting and is in the run key (See Knowledge base), and this is solved in the transform by simply dropping every mention of qttask in the msi.
And the .vbs file:
*NOTE: I realize there is no error checking in my .vbs script, feel free to add it if you so desire
NOTE2: I think all of this is up to date. Both myself and another packager update our packaging database and sometimes outdated things are not removed.
REQUIRES Apple Application Support to be installed to run.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]Downloaded installer from Apple's site.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]Extracted msi from temp directory.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]In order to install from the extracted msi, you MUST have a transform that set the global property ISSETUPDRIVEN to 0. If you do not do this, the install will always fail.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]We built a new transform using the following steps:
[font="arial, sans-serif"]In order to preconfigure a few key QT settings, we configured them on a good installation then grabbed a copy of the file C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Application Data\Apple Computer\QuickTime\QuickTime.qtp. The only setting we actually changed was to disable the auto update features.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]Using AdminStudio, made the installer create the following path: “C:\BoothCFG\Quicktime\7_7\†We then added the following files (1. qtsettings.vbs 2. quicktime.qtp)(streaming them in using a CAB file) to that directory.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]ActiveSetup was used to run the .vbs file from C:\BoothCFG\Quicktime\7_7\qtsettings.vbs. The vbs file copies the qtp settings file (located in the same place) to the correct place in step 1. See the Knowledge base for more information about ActiveSetup. [font="arial, sans-serif"]In the newer version there is now a dependency of having the app “Apple Application Support†installed and the msi was extracted to the same location as quicktime.msi when the legacy installer was ran.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]For basic functionality we simply need the transform to adjust the following:
[font="arial, sans-serif"]The Property “ISSETUPDRIVEN†needs to be set to “0†in the “Property†table
[font="arial, sans-serif"]The row “AppleSoftwareUpdate†should be dropped from the “caPackage†table
[font="arial, sans-serif"]The Property “SCHEDULE_ASUW†needs to be set to “0†in the “Property†table
[font="arial, sans-serif"]Made a custom action .vbs script to copy the .qtp file over to the user profile on first install. (so no reboot needed if installed by current user)
[font="arial, sans-serif"]Deleted the “Uninstall Quicktime†shortcut.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]Note: There does not appear to be any simple way to disable the options to register / purchase QT Pro. If those were discovered, we would like to implement them.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]We did test applying the qtp file to All Users but this simply does not work.
[font="arial, sans-serif"]Quicktime “service†is a registry setting and is in the run key (See Knowledge base), and this is solved in the transform by simply dropping every mention of qttask in the msi.
'Created by deranjer 9/3/10
'Used to copy the config file to the current user local_settings\appdata directory.
Set oShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
strDestination =userprofile & "\Local Settings\Application Data\Apple Computer\QuickTime\quicktime.qtp"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set afile = fso.GetFile(systemdrive & "\BoothCFG\Quicktime\7_7\quicktime.qtp")
on error resume next
fso.CreateFolder(userprofile & "\Local Settings\Application Data\Apple Computer")
fso.CreateFolder(userprofile & "\Local Settings\Application Data\Apple Computer\QuickTime")
*NOTE: I realize there is no error checking in my .vbs script, feel free to add it if you so desire
NOTE2: I think all of this is up to date. Both myself and another packager update our packaging database and sometimes outdated things are not removed.
Posted by:
14 years ago
Well I have notes for 7.6.7...as does the 'Package KB'. It's always helpful to browse a site before posting questions.
Posted by:
14 years ago
Hi friends, I am first time here and really found it good by all means, Infact the topic is good to read and and sending this page to my other firends because they are always asking me for the good resources to read out. hmmm, I really wonder that why these things are not found in books? well you done a great job really and its been a very handy set of information i had from ur articles. thanks dude. Cheers
Posted by:
14 years ago
As per the conversations i have created qt.mst for qt.msi
even after runing this command "maiexec /i qt.msi transforms=qt.mst /qb!" i'm still able to see the "Check for updates" in HELP MENU after lunching the application (QuickTime Player)
plz help me. resolving the above issue. :)
Thanks in Advance
As per the conversations i have created qt.mst for qt.msi
even after runing this command "maiexec /i qt.msi transforms=qt.mst /qb!" i'm still able to see the "Check for updates" in HELP MENU after lunching the application (QuickTime Player)
plz help me. resolving the above issue. :)
Thanks in Advance
Posted by:
14 years ago
Instead of using a custom action VBScript to copy the file over I used the CurrentUserFolder folder which Apple is already updating via the Set_CurrentUserFolder custom action. All you need to do is to get the QuickTime.qtp file with updates unchecked (as mentioned above). Then create a new component in your .mst, add the file, and set the install folder for the component to [CurrentUserFolder]Local Settings\Application Data\Apple Computer\QuickTime. Also be sure to set a HKCU key path for this component, so that the installation will repair on first use for each user. This will allow the .qtp file to be installed for all users (existing and new) of a machine.

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