
Quicktime Player 7.7.2 fails during gpo msi deployment

Installing msi to XP via group policy and fails with 1603 error

Problem seems to be the qtjava.zip file – it wants to extract back at the installer source location during group policy deployment which is a network directory and can’t happen during an Group Policy Deploy. The msi will install from the Run command using the  exact same msiexec command because it can write back using my admin credentials to extract the qtjava.zip file.

On a further note – if the file is pre-extracted then the command line install won’t extract it again, i.e., will use the extracted directory.

BUT the gp deploy will NOT use the extracted file/folder and will fail trying to extract at installation source (network drive) 

Currently looking through the msi at “qtjavadir”

Anybody else having this issue? All previous iterations of quicktime have installed with the usual rules outlined here. This is new to me.


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Answers (3)

Posted by: djv659 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

I discovered the problem I was having was indeed related to the extraction of the qtjava.zip file during group policy deployment. The location where I originally extracted the quicktimeinstaller.exe file and subsequently did the decompression (admininstall of the msi) determined the location where windows installer tried to unzip the qtjava.zip file.

So as a workaround I did the extraction decompression in the c:\windows\temp folder and windows installer used that location which it has system access to.

I don't have time to peruse the msi to find a more elegant solution so if anybody solves it with a transform please respond to this post.

Posted by: dnnelson1969 12 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt

Here is the process I follow to prepare quicktime for deployment. It can be a real trick if you do not prepare it just right.  

Prepare the MSI files and MSI transforms for copy to software store

  1. Download latest Quicktime from  http://www.apple.com/quicktime/
  2. Use 7-zip or WinRAR to extract QuickTimeInstaller.exe.
  3. Download and install Orca to edit the extracted QuickTime.msi. You can get orca itself from Microsoft's Windows Installer SDK or get the tool by itself from Softpedia.
  4. Use Orca or Instedit to open QuickTime.msi. Locate the Summary information. This is located under view -> summary information in Orca or Tables -> Summary Info... in Instedit. Locate the Languages: box and remove all languages except 1033.
  5. Save the transformed MSI as something meaningful or overwrite the original QuickTime.msi.
  6. Create a new Transform (Transform -> New Transform)
  7. Make the following modifications to the Transform tables:
    • LaunchCondition -> NOT BNEWERPRODUCTISINSTALLED: Delete this line, if you don't, quicktime will not install, you'll get an error in the event viewer, and itunes will go ahead and install but then tell you it can't launch because quicktime is not installed.
    • Property -> SCHEDULE_ASUW: Set this to 0 to avoid iTunes trying to update itself. This is one of the main reasons for me rolling this out with group policy.
    • Registry -> Find the item that has QTTask.exe as it's component and drop that line. This keeps qttask.exe from running in the background, which you don't need.
    • Shortcut: Drop Desktop shortcut, Uninstall shortcut, and Readme lines
  8. Generate a new transform (Transform menu) and save it as something meaningful. I've been using the format ProgramName_<version>.mst (quicktime_7_7_2.mst).
  9. Use Orca or Instedit to open AppleApplicationSupport.msi. Locate the Summary information. This is located under view -> summary information in Orca or Tables -> Summary Info... in Instedit. Locate the Languages: box and remove all languages except 1033.
  10. Save the transformed MSI as something meaningful or overwrite the original AppleApplicationSupport.msi.
The command lines are as follows
The current command lines for the software are as follows. 

msiexec /qn /i AppleApplicationSupport.msi /norestart 
msiexec /qn /i QuickTime.msi /norestart TRANSFORMS="quicktime_7_7_2.mst"

I deploy via SCCM 2007 from a network share, but this should also work via group policy. SCCM installs using the system account without errors. 
Posted by: djv659 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

Thanks for your response. I do follow the steps you indicate and have successfully created quicktime packages previously. This seems to be a new problem specific to 7.72.

The install will work fine from the command line but when using group policy the unzip of the QTJava file breaks it. Have ou tried it by pushing through group policy? I would like someone to reproduce this error.


  • I haven't tried pushing it through group policy yet. I've been pushing it to hundreds of systems via SCCM without issue. One possible way to debug this is to use Pstools to debug the issue. If you want to try to run as the appropriate account you can use 'Psexec -s cmd" to open a command prompt and run the installer command as the system account to see what error messages you get. It's possible that the error may be something that is specific to the system account profile that does not happen with an account with a standard profile. - dnnelson1969 12 years ago
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