
Reclaim drive space from deleted Images

I recently imaged a computer to test how it worked and now have deleted that image through the GUI and my pie chart in the home screen still shows 20Gigs of Images used even though I deleted it.

How can I free this space or how can I check to make sure it is gone?


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Answers (3)

Posted by: cserrins 13 years ago
Red Belt
The pie chart only updates once every 15 minutes, so it may not be showing the changes yet.

Under KBox Settings and Maintenance | Appliance Maintenance, run the purge command and let sit for 30 minutes.

Posted by: Seyeradmin 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks Corey,
I just tried that and will report back.

Thanks for the quick reply.
Posted by: Seyeradmin 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
That worked!!

Thanks a bunch!
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